A Business Culture of Reflection

Guidance - Part 3 (Quantitative Optimization and Risk Analysis of Projects and Processes)
This guidance describes a quantitative model about the start-up of an enterprise that develops an electric vehicle (E-car) to then manufacture and sell this car. It is only a rough model that shows the general methodology of quantitative modeling using iMODELER’s process and project factors and its features to consider likelihoods of developments (e.g. for risk management) and optimization of parameters (e.g. for Operations Research with iM Optimizer). Well, actually it allows for a lot more applications, e.g. financial planning, Theory of Constraints, corporate forecast etc..
This guidance comes in a series of guidances for “A Business Culture of Reflection” in line with:
1. Systemic Strategy Development including Risk and SWOT analysis
2. Systemic Product Development featuring Idealized System Design
3. Quantitative Optimization and Risk Analysis of Projects and Processes
4. Systemic Project Management
5. Systemic Management and Organizational Development featuring KNOW-WHY Method
The series describes the application of the software iMODELER (both, the freeware and the full version) for the example of a start-up enterprise (newly founded or a profit center within a company) that plans to become successful with developing, manufacturing and selling a revolutionary electric car.
The culture of reflections captures the idea that any enterprise could leverage the collective potential of its employees once it would collaboratively look at the interconnections of all the existing arguments within the enterprise (and from the stakeholders outside). Not just phenomena of endless and repeated meetings with little progress but also reluctant decision making or simply the problem of wrong decisions would be tackled with this change of corporate culture.
Here you can download the guidance: A Business Culture of Reflection – Part 3
Here you will find the model and its variants: https://www.know-why.net/model/COfweXMDN6IXVjBu_L73gRw
The version using iM Optimizer: http://www.imodeler.info/ro?key=Cv-vW-0iM4jA9XyEX5IUQcw
The version using Monte Carlo simulations: http://www.imodeler.info/ro?key=C3e5iEZDsZINOLEwDCa786w